Better Health, Better Life
At Arbor View, the sky’s the limit when it comes to wellness opportunities. Our team employs a whole-person approach to wellness designed to help residents live a healthy, fulfilling life on their own terms. Our professionally trained wellness team works with residents individually and as a group to provide them with caring health services, comprehensive wellness programming, exciting resident engagement activities and unique opportunities for education and entertainment.
A Whole-Person Approach to Aging
Supported by ample on-site amenities such as an on-site Wellness Director and personalized wellness plans, our residents have access to the resources they need to live well at any age. We facilitate health screenings, scheduled visits from medical professionals or care appointments with your physician. Our clubs, activities and amenities are designed to keep you living actively, eating healthy, and enjoying the best life has to offer. For us, it’s all part of a lifestyle designed to support a healthy mind, body and spirit.
Innovative Caretaking Philosophy
As an Eden Alternative Registered Home®, our philosophy is to enhance the well-being of the human spirit with the same commitment we have towards physical and cognitive fitness. Caregivers and care receivers collaborate, each playing an active role in determining the right treatment plan to meet individual goals with quality of life being the primary focus.